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Internet Message Format
From: burke@vxdesy.desy.de (Stephen Burke)
Subject: Throwback protocol (client end)
Date: 31 Jan 93 16:40:05 GMT
Nobody else has posted this, so here goes. To use throwback (as a client) you
need the DDEUtils module, an editor which supports throwback, and (AFAIK) any
version of RISC OS. There are three SWIs:
DDEUtils_ThrowbackStart (&42587)
Entry: Don't Care
Exit: All registers preserved
Function: Start a throwback session
DDEUtils_ThrowbackSend (&42588) (The documentation actually calls this SWI
Throwback_Send, but I think it's a mistake).
Entry: R0 = reason code
R2-R5 variable
R0 = 0 (Throwback_ReasonProcessing)
R2 = pointer to full pathname of file (null terminated)
R0 = 1 (Throwback_ReasonErrorDetails)
R2 = pointer to full pathname of file (null terminated)
R3 = error line number
R4 = severity:
= 0 for warning
= 1 for error
= 2 for serious error
R5 = pointer to error description string (null terminated)
R0 = 2 (Throwback_ReasonInfoDetails)
R2 = pointer to full pathname of file (null terminated)
R3 = line number to which info message refers
R4 = 0
R5 = pointer to informational message (null terminated)
Exit: R0-R4 preserved
Function: Call once with reason code 0, and then with code 1 or 2 for
each error/message
DDEUtils_ThrowbackEnd (&42589)
Entry: Don't Care
Exit: All registers preserved
Function: End a throwback session
All three SWIs can give errors of "No task registered for throwback" and
"Throwback not available outside the desktop" (no error numbers given).
That's it; simple really :-)
e----><----p | Stephen Burke | Internet: burke@vxdesy.desy.de
H H 1 | Gruppe FH1T (Liverpool) | DECnet: vxdesy::burke (13313::burke)
H H 11 | DESY, Notkestrasse 85 | BITNET: BURKE@DESYVAX or SB2@UKACRL
HHHHH 1 | 2000 Hamburg 52 | JANET: sb2@uk.ac.rl.ib
H H 1 | Germany | Phone: + 49 40 8998 2282
H H 11111 | HERA, the world's largest electron microscope!